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How It All Began

My dreams began way back when I was a small kid. Partly influenced by a lot of factors. Back then anything sugary was a treat for me, a luxury something you could only get if you had these 1 shilling coins or even back then when the economy hadn’t developed so much, a 50 cent coin. And hell these coins were hard to find for us kids although whenever we had a few we would keep the shopkeeper smiling and remain in “abject poverty” you could literally die albeit from the inside if starved of sugar for a while.

So I dreamt of how I lived in a far far away kingdom drowning in a sugary ocean. I reason that if there was a salty ocean there must have been a sugary one. That was my first dream in a series of many.

Coming of age though, there were more importants things to consider. So, agely put I started serious dreaming back when I was in high school.

I was an ambient reader though just on average. A good story presents you with formidable characters who inspire ones thinking making you want to live and act like them. Make one wish one’s life was like that. I have always thought that at the current times writers and movie directors must have the best jobs in the world. They create stuff that inspire trends in us. Envisioning things beyond our realm of thought. But still it wasn’t a movie or a book that got me dreaming.

As humans we have a tendency to always think that situations are always better beyond the horizon where we can”t see. The “grass is greener on the other side” kind of thinking. Then as we clamour to reach beyond the horizon we begin the unending cycle of events that lead us back to where we started in a pragmatic kind of situation; nothing to show for the effort.

ALWAYS LOOK AT YOUR SURROUNDING. Your immediate environment. This is what got me dreaming – the things that surround me.

Well, I love nature. It sets in me some peace; an alure of perfection. Nature inspires my thinking. Amidst all these beauty I render myself such a small entity in comparison but everything every living thing just fits into place. Sternly looking at it everything stems out of it; says me. I adore nature; I want to preserve nature; I want to reduce all the pollution causing dry spells that destroys all that is natural.

So when I was in my prime high school years I had my first big dream.


Intertwined within aspects of Physics and nature I had a series of ideas. I sat down collected all my thoughts and ideas and put them on paper; my idea in black and white. I went for the Science Congress. I competed with other intellectuals before realising I had to up my public speaking skills because such forum depends highly on presentation. Am kind of shy and I don’t well with crowds so with that I didn’t go far, my project wasn’t picked up for consideration but the clever me still has those papers so its still on just waiting for the right time.

That is just my Physics with nature. I also did Business Studies and again our environment consists of a whole variety of business ventures; supermarkets, companies, industries e.t.c. Translated, this is where my business dreams started.

So in a nutshell, that is how my dream in business started. Am a dreamer I dream, I dreamt business. But like I always say it isn’t just about the dreams but also putting our dreams to ground. Laying the foundation. That is why, fellow internet users, blogger, dreamers and hustlers like me, that is why, I will let you know when my dreams do come true and reveal all my footsteps.

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