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Some Inspiration

for cool minds only

Just a minute I brush my palms against each other, create some warmth prepare my fingers for yet another blog post.


Okay, so some time back  I got to sit down with one of my favourite uncles. He gave me a major talk (a msomo). In the first place my uncle is not the kind of guy who’s always serious with stuff. He likes to crack up jokes. So you can imagine the kind of fix he can get into trying to do a serious face. But for the successful man that he is, I must confess that he did a pretty job.

Against all odds, he inspired me; kicked up some mojo in me. Lit up some fire in me take care you don’t get burnt






Now you can take a look at the picture and please ignore the quality. The first is a (mnemonic) —–> SWOT. which stands for

S- Strengths

W- Weaknesses

O- Opportunities

T- Threats

In his words, I should utilise my strengths, beware of my weaknesses, watch out for opportunities and remember there are threats that are detrimental to my success. A wise man this one, heh? Yeah you should know it runs in the family too.

The pie chart is like a target you place for yourself listing all that you want to achieve in each of the 8 pieces and then giving yourself a score depending on the level of achivement of that item. For example, as my uncle told, I put down the salary I would want to earn in my job. I came up with an amount then gave myself a score of zero coz am not yet working. But for by business targets….I scratched my head a little bit and came up with 1.5 on a scale of 10. Yeah am somewhere but where I intend to go…..I should definately surpass the 10 mark.

I guess you have now realised that this blog is’nt about my dream. It’s about someone elses dream. I have always insisted that my blogs will be about my dreams, but as it turns out in life you don’t have to rely on your dreams alone. YOU CAN ALSO RELY ON THE PEOPLE WHO DREAMT AND MADE IT. They make your work easier. They dreamt for you and are living their dreams. Now emulate them if they are successful and if they are not desist from doing anything they ever did.That’s where perfection sets in.

When people make decisions there are the good points that worked for them and there are the bad points that either fell them or that made them struggle in what they do. Always try and know this points so that at the end of it all you emerge at the top. Where we all belong.

So, in a nutshell, am a dreamer but it doesn’t make sense to just dream and have nothing to show for it. That is why, fellow internet users, blogger, dreamers and hustlers like me, that is why, I will let you know when my dreams do come true and reveal all my footsteps.

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