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It’s Life

In this thing called LIFE, we all have our ambitions and dreams. The desires of our hearts and what we set out to achieve in the course of life. It’s what unites us. I mean, we are all different in one way or another. I could be rich, poor, have parents, be an orphan, disabled or in good health but my dream is more likely same as yours. TO HAVE A BETTER TOMORROW.

I won’t try to make this post interesting. There is nothing interesting about ambition. It’s a BURDEN that we carry all our lives. A big one. We all want success within our reach and we outdo ourselves to achieve this goal. Work hard in school, take extra jobs; extra hours, lick shoes, all to achieve that one or two things in our minds.

Funny thing, the minute we achieve our initial goals, our ambitions change and we want to go higher, beyond what we have achieved. I told you it’s a burden. They say the only constant is change. With progress comes change and nothing remains the same anymore. So what is there for us????

Well, I gave up deciding what’s better I settled on the ambition thing. I have set my eyes to achieve my next goal in life, which will lead to the next and on and on…its systematic. Maybe along this path I will discover something more than ambition.

Well, it’s ambition that drives my daily life. Doing what it takes to achieve that one thing that’s going to take me one step closer. My single biggest fear now becomes not achieving that goal. That is a burden I have to carry, that we have to carry as long as ambition drives us.

So when we meet and my mind is preoccupied, don’t you worry. Don’t ask why am worried and am still young. There is a whole future to be planned for. Nothing falls into place just like that.

That is life.

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